Thursday, October 8, 2009


After reading a lot of books and making much research I came to the conclusion that “there is nothing we can add or subtract or create anything new in this present world for the LORD Almighty has already done that which is suppose to be and with all are effort we just try to discover them in time and need of the present state” we just get busy to keep up if not just think of how life would have been boring if we don’t keep ourselves busy.
Reading is a hobby we should all cultivate and make sure we pass them on to our offspring and siblings for it is better to have knowledge than die of illiteracy and ignorance. Ignorance is a crime punishable by human law.
While working with the General Certificate of Education Board Cameroon (GCE) 2009 session at the technical department, I came across this very interesting book written by Shammi Sukh titled BORN TO RISE.
BORN TO RISE is a book that teachers you on how to plan your life and succeed in this present world of ours. It all starts with a Seminar and while this seminar was ongoing the presenter asked the participants a question which if up to this day you have not asked yourself such question then you need to think and do that fast. The question is “what’s in your Bag”. Well am not here to narrate the story or talk about the seminar but to give you some thoughts about making your life a success.
Find some touching words of the presenter that well help you to shape your life, career, future and what have you.

1. “Life is not always a bed of roses. At every ‘crossing’ in the ‘journey’ of life, one comes across two ‘paths’. The one that, leads to ‘comfort’ and the second that leads to ‘growth’. The path that leads to growth is usually associated with some sort of discomfort! In order to achieve ‘success’ one needs to bear this discomfort!”

2. “Each person is solely responsible for success in his/her life. People who do not own the responsibility for their failure in life keep, blaming circumstances, situations, people or fate.
The train of success usually run on the track of ‘discomfort’ following the path of comfort is what makes a person crooked. A person who desires success, progress and satisfaction in life should avoid sleeping on the ‘cushion’ of comforts. Anyone who wants to climb the ladder of success must learn to ‘enjoy’ discomfort. By learning to handle discomfort, one gets a precious handhold on the course of life.
The distance from earth to heaven is not so much a matter of altitude as it is of altitude. In a nutshell, success in life is a matter of one’s attitude. A long life may be a gift from God. But a fruitful and successful life is one’s own doing”.

3. “Guess, what’s the most difficult thing to do?” “Well, it is to change oneself,” people are most reluctant to change themselves because the very thought of changing oneself produces discomfort. As a result, everyone tries to change others (the easiest thing to think of)!”

4. “There are four stages of ‘discomfort’ which one faces during the process of growth. The first is ‘Aversion’- when one hates or dislike the ‘discomforts’ one faces, during school an college days. Then the second stage that is the ‘tolerance’ stage- when the person does things under alternative. The third stage is when the person stands liking such ‘discomforts’ and the last stage happens when one becomes an ‘Addict’ to facing such discomforts. It is then the person starts growing at an exponential rate, and reaches the level of peak performance.
Where willingness to face the discomforts is great, difficulties melt into littleness

5. “People do not like being criticized or advised or found fault with by others, as it generates ‘unpleasant’ feelings or ‘discomfort’. Those who shy away from such discomfort, keep away from learning new things. If one can handle this discomfort successfully it is possible to learn a lot from a critic, which can not be learn from a friend. ‘fault finding’ and ‘advice’ by others may taste ‘bitter’ but it provides ample opportunity to grow and make one’s life better”

6. “A kite raises high against the wind. Gen can not be polished without rubbing. Problems in life are intended to make our life better and not bitter. Nothing great is ever achieved without facing discomfort. Crosses are the leaders that lead to growth.
People who fall for comfort or instant pleasure settle for much less in life. People wanting to lead an easy life set themselves much smaller targets, and, as a result achieve much smaller success in life. if one wants to handle a big fortune, one must handle a big problem. All things are difficult before they become easy”.