Thursday, October 8, 2009


After reading a lot of books and making much research I came to the conclusion that “there is nothing we can add or subtract or create anything new in this present world for the LORD Almighty has already done that which is suppose to be and with all are effort we just try to discover them in time and need of the present state” we just get busy to keep up if not just think of how life would have been boring if we don’t keep ourselves busy.
Reading is a hobby we should all cultivate and make sure we pass them on to our offspring and siblings for it is better to have knowledge than die of illiteracy and ignorance. Ignorance is a crime punishable by human law.
While working with the General Certificate of Education Board Cameroon (GCE) 2009 session at the technical department, I came across this very interesting book written by Shammi Sukh titled BORN TO RISE.
BORN TO RISE is a book that teachers you on how to plan your life and succeed in this present world of ours. It all starts with a Seminar and while this seminar was ongoing the presenter asked the participants a question which if up to this day you have not asked yourself such question then you need to think and do that fast. The question is “what’s in your Bag”. Well am not here to narrate the story or talk about the seminar but to give you some thoughts about making your life a success.
Find some touching words of the presenter that well help you to shape your life, career, future and what have you.

1. “Life is not always a bed of roses. At every ‘crossing’ in the ‘journey’ of life, one comes across two ‘paths’. The one that, leads to ‘comfort’ and the second that leads to ‘growth’. The path that leads to growth is usually associated with some sort of discomfort! In order to achieve ‘success’ one needs to bear this discomfort!”

2. “Each person is solely responsible for success in his/her life. People who do not own the responsibility for their failure in life keep, blaming circumstances, situations, people or fate.
The train of success usually run on the track of ‘discomfort’ following the path of comfort is what makes a person crooked. A person who desires success, progress and satisfaction in life should avoid sleeping on the ‘cushion’ of comforts. Anyone who wants to climb the ladder of success must learn to ‘enjoy’ discomfort. By learning to handle discomfort, one gets a precious handhold on the course of life.
The distance from earth to heaven is not so much a matter of altitude as it is of altitude. In a nutshell, success in life is a matter of one’s attitude. A long life may be a gift from God. But a fruitful and successful life is one’s own doing”.

3. “Guess, what’s the most difficult thing to do?” “Well, it is to change oneself,” people are most reluctant to change themselves because the very thought of changing oneself produces discomfort. As a result, everyone tries to change others (the easiest thing to think of)!”

4. “There are four stages of ‘discomfort’ which one faces during the process of growth. The first is ‘Aversion’- when one hates or dislike the ‘discomforts’ one faces, during school an college days. Then the second stage that is the ‘tolerance’ stage- when the person does things under alternative. The third stage is when the person stands liking such ‘discomforts’ and the last stage happens when one becomes an ‘Addict’ to facing such discomforts. It is then the person starts growing at an exponential rate, and reaches the level of peak performance.
Where willingness to face the discomforts is great, difficulties melt into littleness

5. “People do not like being criticized or advised or found fault with by others, as it generates ‘unpleasant’ feelings or ‘discomfort’. Those who shy away from such discomfort, keep away from learning new things. If one can handle this discomfort successfully it is possible to learn a lot from a critic, which can not be learn from a friend. ‘fault finding’ and ‘advice’ by others may taste ‘bitter’ but it provides ample opportunity to grow and make one’s life better”

6. “A kite raises high against the wind. Gen can not be polished without rubbing. Problems in life are intended to make our life better and not bitter. Nothing great is ever achieved without facing discomfort. Crosses are the leaders that lead to growth.
People who fall for comfort or instant pleasure settle for much less in life. People wanting to lead an easy life set themselves much smaller targets, and, as a result achieve much smaller success in life. if one wants to handle a big fortune, one must handle a big problem. All things are difficult before they become easy”.

Friday, April 24, 2009


The road to success is not macadamize as we think
It has a diversion called
Pot holes called
Speed brakes called
Red light called
You have speed brakes called
But if you have a spare called
Another called
A driver called
And Insurance called
You will make it to a place called

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE.. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it.

FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

FIFTEEN. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.
Now, here's the FUN part!
Réussir un couple est un art qui obéit à des règles simples et évidentes .

1. Il nous faut savoir être seul avant d'être en couple.

2. Si vous êtes en couple, ne demandez pas à l'autre de changer... commencez par changer !

3. L'amour n'est pas la lune de miel. L'amour, c'est savoir aimer quand le couple est en crise...

A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.


As I sad down and plan to get Married I vividly remember a number of novels I read some years back and thought of writing this out to my wife to be and the public whom might not be able to read the same novel before and after they are married, so here comes some ideal to help both married and on married men and women.
My inspiration comes from DR. KATHARINE BEMENT DAVIS; general secretary of the bureau of social hygiene, whom once induced a thousand married women to reply very frankly to a set of intimate questions. The result was shocking –an incredibly shocking comment upon the sexual unhappiness of the average American/African adult. So what about you in the world as a whole? According to Dr. Popenoe, failure in married is usually due to four causes, Listed below:

1. Sexual maladjustment.
2. Different of opinion as to the way of spending leisure time.
3. Financial difficulties
4. Mental, Physical, or Emotional abnormalities.

This question keeps puzzling my mind and it goes thus: “Is it true that sex is admittedly the most important subject in life?” It is admittedly the thing which causes the most shipwreck in the happiness of men and women by Dr. Popenoe.

Some rules to make your home life happier

1. Don’t nag.
2. Don’t try to make your partner over.
3. Don’t critical.
4. Give honest appreciation.
5. Pay little attentions.
6. Be courteous.
7. Read a good book on the sexual side of marriage.

Some questionnaires drew from the book “why marriages go wrong”. Give yourself ten points for each question you can answer in the affirmative.


1. Do you give your husband complete freedom in his business affairs, and do you refrain from criticizing his associates, his choices of secretary, or the hours he keeps?....

2. Do you try you best to make you home interesting and attractive?...

3. Do you vary the household menu so that he never quite knows what to expect when he sit down to the table?….

4. Do you have an intelligent grasp of your husband’s business so you can discuss with him helpfully?....

5. Can you meet financial reverses bravely, cheerfully, without criticizing your husband for his mistake or comparing him unfavorably with more successful men/….

6. Do you make a special effort to get along amiably with his mother or other relatives?....

7. Do you dress with an eye for your husband’s likes and dislikes in color and style?.....

8. Do you compromise little differences of opinion in the interest of harmony?...
9. Do you make an effort to learn games your husband likes, so you can share his leisure hours?......

10. Do you keep track of the day’s news, the new books, and new ideal, so you hold your husband’s intellectual\l interest?.......


1. Do you still “court” your wife with an occasional gift of flowers, with remembrances of her birthday and wedding anniversary, or with some unexpected attention, some unlooked-for tenderness?.................

2. Are you careful never to criticize her before others?...............

3. Do you give her money to spend entirely as she chooses, about t5hew household expenses?......

4. Do you make an effort to understand her varying feminine moods and help her through periods of fatigue, nerves, and irritability?...............

5. Do you share at least half of your recreation hours with your wife?........

6. Do you take a tactfully refrain from comparing your wife’s cooking or housekeeping with that of your mother or of Terence’s wife, except to her advantage?.......

7. Do you take a definite interest in her intellectual life, her club and societies, the books she reads, her views on civic problems?.....

8. Can you let her dance and receive friendly attentions from other men without making jealous remarks?.......

9. Do you keep alert for opportunities to praise her and express your admiration for her?....

10. Do you thank her for the little jobs she dose for you, such as sewing on a button, sending your cloth to the dry-cleaners?...

Some books to reads over for a better family life at home in other to plan your marriage life to be a success:

1. MARRIED AND SEX HARMONY by Dr. Oliver M Butterfield
3. MARRIED LOVE by Marie C. Stopes
4. SEX IN MARRIED by Ernest R. and Gladys H. Grooves
5. A MARRIED MANUAL by Dr. Hannah and Abraham Stone
6. THE MARRIED WOMAN by Robert A. Ross, M.D and Gladys H. Grooves
Do have a wonderful time with all of this put together for a better life at home with your wife or husband.

Thursday, February 26, 2009



I. Introduction
II. Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
III. How the virus spread or manifest
IV. Causes of HIV or AIDS / how persons becomes contaminated
V. Effect on the masses(population)
VI. Prevention or combat
VII. Conclusion

I. Introduction

AIDS stand for acquired immune deficiency syndrome representing the world deadly disease that has no official cure as of now. It was discovered in 1984 and since then research has being going on to redress the situation. HIV stands for human immune virus that is the antigen produce by the body of the person infected with the HIV virus. A day has been set aside world wide to celebrate the international day of AIDS being the 01st December each year. This is to raise public awareness on the need to fight (combat) this deadly flue called AIDS. Government through the health ministry, para-stater. Ngo’s, family, civil body, parents are all working hand in hand via the media (TV, radio, press, seminars, conferences) to raise awareness and bring the spread under control.
Talking of control, first when the virus invades the human blood, it fights and kills the W.B.C which is the soldiers in the blood and once the person’s body becomes vulnerable, susceptible to any infection. having being tested HIV positive, it does not mean that you are going to die no. you need to start taking drugs (anti retro-viral -ARV) so as to reduce the spread of the virus and also to boast your CD4 cell counts, for if the CD4 cell count drops then it will now leads to the deadly state of the infection known as AIDS. Prominent Doctors like professor VICTOR ANOMANGOH have done enormous research on the deadly HIV virus and have come up with drugs (or vaccines) like the famous VANI-VAT which is widely being used in South Africa, though the international body is still reluctant to fully recommend its usage world-wide.
Symptoms attached to the HIV infection or AIDS (advance stage of the disease) are, headache, sore throat, fever, influenza, boils which often cease 1week after and at the advance stage, chronic diarrhea, acute loss of weight, night sweat etc.
Below we are going to talk about effects, prevention and conclusion.

II. Signs and symptoms of HIV and AIDS (advance stage)

Severe headache, fever, sore throat, muscle ache, fatigue, influenza, boils which often goes away few weeks and in the advance stage there is acute loss of weight, chronic diarrhea, tiredness. Once you weakness all these signs and symptoms rush quickly to the nearest medical centre, thanks to the global fund to fight against HIV and AIDS, almost all the medical centre do offer more or less free AIDS test. It is good and advisable to go for your HIV test and know your HIV statues before hand and on time for if you attain the advance stage which is AIDS, this is going to affect a lot of sectors and society, and loss of life.

III. How the virus spread:

Through unprotected sex with an infected person, injury from unsterilized needles, mother to child, blood transfusion, a person becomes infected and once in the blood, the HIV virus fights and destroys the W.B.C of the victim up to a point that there is lesser W.B.C to resist any slightest infection. The person becomes vulnerable and susceptible to infections. Some signs or symptoms to be aware of are seen on the next context.

IV. Effect on the masses or population.

Once an individual attain the advance stage of HIV Viral infection which is AIDS, a lot consequences are observed some of which are:
 Loss of the person or parent leading to so many orphans on the streets.
 Increase family Borden on the African family
 Increase hatred,foster accusation enerminit6y all in the name of witchcraft
 Increase poverty(from dismal from work or no job relating to your HIV statues
 Slows down the countries economy since viable citizens are infected or are death.
As a remedy to this effect the following majors need to be taken or enforced.

V. Prevention or combat of AIDS HIV.

Through the global fund to fight against AIDS, Ngo such as synergy Africain, IRESCO, WHO, GTZ, Among youths-magazine sticks an the following three points that is :
i. absences (biblical recommended)
ii. fidelity
iii. condom
iv. Go for the HIV test.
While the government, para-stater, family, civil society, parent, international body, media fight against this by raising public awareness via:
Radio, press, seminars, TV, conferences, tracks. Youths avoid alcoholism and drugs abuse which leads you to unsafe sex. Eat balance meals and take the doctors advice.

VI. Cause or means of contamination with HIV

The life we leave today and the things we do are affecting our health and the society. Talking about HIV and AIDS some possible means of becoming infected are:
- having unsafe sex with infected persons.
- Use of unsterilized objects due to drug abuse or accident.
- Through an infected mother to child.
After being infect, certain signs and symptoms are weaknesses.

VII. Conclusion

To combat or fight HIV AIDS we need to stick at the grass root that is from the causes by,
-Go for an HIV test
-Blood should be well screened before transfusion.
-Avoid suing unsterilized objects
-Pregnant mothers should go for HIV test at the first month of pregnancy
-Avoid alcoholism.
In our prisons today majors should be taken to separate the females, males prison e.g. there is the mfou female prison in Yaoundé and also female should have separate cells from others, and constant checks should be made so that unlawful and homosexual acts are not practiced in prisons.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Success story in camerron fight for communication technology

If you open the link below you will find some of the success story of ICT in Cameron a dream we all are fighting for: